
Removing the "Stinger"

  The sting of finger pointing or finger wagging can be a mental doozy, creating a wave of emotions and anxiety. Taking a stance almost seems to pull people in opposite directions. The reality is everyone has an opinion, whether fact-based, hearsay or assumptive reasoning. Regardless everyone has one! But our inability to hear one another is seemingly clouded in perceived judgment.  Our goal is to provide sustainable information and resources. The Faux Goat uses our platform to educate as we are committed to producing sustainable alternatives to the travel lifestyle products that you are familiar with. But not only that, we are creating community through our works of fruit tree planting, education and innovative sustainable alternatives. We enjoy sharing stories of nature and how its creatures fit into the ecosystem. You are more than welcomed to join our journey of sustainability, which encompasses our eco-friendly, cruelty-free products and shared environmental resources and experien

Vegan Leather -v- Faux Leather

  Over the weekend I was doing my normal perusing on social media, and came across a bit of misrepresented information with regard to vegan leather. First and foremost, I will say I have noticed this to be a common trend, so without further ado let's get into it!  The advertisement brought great attention to the impact of fast fashion with regard to the insurmountable amounts of waste that it produces. It is said that an estimated 10,000 articles of clothing are sent to landfills every 5 minutes. A majority of the waste is being dumped in Africa and South America. It is said that fast fashion is "currently responsible for more annual carbon emissions than all international flights and maritime shipping combined." In addition the environmental impact creates dried water sources and pollutes rivers and streams. This information is so vital for the human condition to acknowledge and look to sustainable resources and lifestyle choices. Here's where things got a little vag

Change is on the Horizon!

  Change seems to be on the horizon! Fashion has allotted me the opportunity to travel throughout the US, and what I've found is promising. Albeit seemingly inconvenient at times, purpose is greater than the cost of inconvenience, especially when that cost has a negative impact upon the earth. My travels to California allowed me to witness what is beginning to catch fire across the country. By encouraging consumers to use reusable shopping bags, along with paper and/or metal straws and other sustainable alternatives.  As I've traveled the country I've noticed larger cities such as Chicago and Denver encourage use of reusable shopping bags. And much like California, if plastic bags are needed they are available at an additional cost per bag. Nothing like an encouraging push to help eliminate the use of plastic that often finds itself contaminating the ocean with approximately 8 million tons of waste. Not to mention the extensive decomposition period of which toxic materials

"Be the Change"

  Whether the words "Be the change you wish to see in the world" are correctly credited to Mahatma Gandhi, the sentiment is undeniable. The inception of The Faux Goat is rooted in change. This journey has led to many amazing paths that when intertwined speak a unison message of sustainability.  Initially while on my journey as a vegan, who decided to change my lifestyle for personal health reasons, I I began to grow in unexpected. ways. As I learned about the carbon foot print of a human life, and the multitude of factors that impact the earth. I began to feel compelled to push for change starting with myself. The Faux Goat began with the idea of creating sustainable alternatives. I searched and searched for vendors of vegan leather, not to be confused with faux leather, and happened upon a company that produces leather out of cactus. One of many amazing qualities of cactus is that it's a natural carbon sink, which absorbs carbon from the atmosphere. The self-sustaining p

Leather is More than a “Byproduct” of the Meat Industry

Full transparency, prior to going vegan in 2019, I was not aware of any of the production practices of industries that rely upon animals. Yes, I knew that in order for me to eat that hamburger, chicken sandwich  or fish fillet an animal would lose its life, in exchange for my perceived sustenance to survive. AND THEN... I went vegan! My world suddenly expanded with information that initially made me uncomfortable, but as I became more aware the focus became to be conscious and aim to do less harm. While on this journey I've learned of many misconceptions within the animal farming industry.  One of the most alarming misconceptions was with regards to the animal hide industry. Although I had never really put a lot of thought into this particular industry, I later came to learn that leather (hide) is not a by-product of the meat industry. Cows are bred specifically to harvest their hide, completly separate from the meat and dairy industry. More specifically, it has been reported that