Vegan Leather -v- Faux Leather


Over the weekend I was doing my normal perusing on social media, and came across a bit of misrepresented information with regard to vegan leather. First and foremost, I will say I have noticed this to be a common trend, so without further ado let's get into it! 

The advertisement brought great attention to the impact of fast fashion with regard to the insurmountable amounts of waste that it produces. It is said that an estimated 10,000 articles of clothing are sent to landfills every 5 minutes. A majority of the waste is being dumped in Africa and South America. It is said that fast fashion is "currently responsible for more annual carbon emissions than all international flights and maritime shipping combined." In addition the environmental impact creates dried water sources and pollutes rivers and streams. This information is so vital for the human condition to acknowledge and look to sustainable resources and lifestyle choices.

Here's where things got a little vague. It was said that vegan leathers are non-biodegradable plastics, and to an extent I agree. I agree that there are companies that misrepresent vegan leather solely based on the fact that their product is not an animal-based product. In that instance what was said about "vegan leather" would be true, however there is a great difference between vegan leather and faux leather (non-biodegradable). True vegan leather is plant based and does indeed reject animal cruelty, and toxic production practices that impact the earth negatively. Faux leather on the other hand is simply the imitation of animal hide, often using non-environmental friendly materials such as plastic and toxins, as well as a lack of water conservatory practices. Also animal testing can be a part of the production practices of faux leather.

These reasons alone are why The Faux Goat, only uses authentic vegan leather produced from the natural carbon sink material of cactus. Sustainable, biodegradable, cruelty-free and always eco-friendly. Our goal is to continue to create sustainable lifestyle alternatives to live by.

Jenee White

"The more we know, the more we grow"


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