"Be the Change"


Whether the words "Be the change you wish to see in the world" are correctly credited to Mahatma Gandhi, the sentiment is undeniable. The inception of The Faux Goat is rooted in change. This journey has led to many amazing paths that when intertwined speak a unison message of sustainability. 

Initially while on my journey as a vegan, who decided to change my lifestyle for personal health reasons, I I began to grow in unexpected. ways. As I learned about the carbon foot print of a human life, and the multitude of factors that impact the earth. I began to feel compelled to push for change starting with myself. The Faux Goat began with the idea of creating sustainable alternatives. I searched and searched for vendors of vegan leather, not to be confused with faux leather, and happened upon a company that produces leather out of cactus. One of many amazing qualities of cactus is that it's a natural carbon sink, which absorbs carbon from the atmosphere. The self-sustaining plant that naturally regenerates itself was the perfect material to create the eco-friendly, cruelty-free "leather" alternative lifestyle accessories made by The Faux Goat.

What I love most is the true sustainability of the materials that allow me to produce vegan leather bags, knowing that toxic chemicals are not used in processing, as well as minimal water consumption due to the natural water containment of cactus. And to top it off the materials are 100% cruelty-free! Stay tuned for updates on our sustainable pollination gardens and other carbon sink plantings!



"The more we know, the more we grow"


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